B2- Response to Topic- ‘Future Operations’ Sub-topic: ‘Early Growth'


‘Early Growth – Question:
‘Please tell us what you think about the proposals for managing early growth’.

Link to Question:

  • I strongly oppose the addition from 2022 of flights passing over many areas previously unaffected, from around 5.15 in the morning. (Landing from 5.30 am.) as a result of IPA (Early Growth).
  • I am alarmed that the additional 25,000 flights as a result of IPA (Early Growth) is before one adds the additional 240,000 annual flights expected as a result of the 3rd runway. This means a total of 265,000 additional flights a year flying over London, a 58% growth.
  • There should be no increase in the current cap of 480,000 flights per annum which was rightfully set to protect the population and environment of London back in 2001.

B3- Response to Topic ‘Future Operations’ Sub- topic: ‘Runway Alternation’


Sub- topic: ‘Runway Alternation’- Question:‘Tell us what you think of our runway alternation proposals, in particular we would like to know if we should alternate the runways at 2pm or 3 pm’

Link to question:https://aec.heathrowconsultation.com/topics/runway-alternation/

  • I strongly object to there being relative silence on only 1 day out of 4 days every week, in place of the present 1 day in 2 days every week.
  • I strongly object to flights starting to pass overhead from 5.15 in the morning, on 3 days out of every 4 days
  • I object to flights being able to approach runway 3 up to 11 pm to land there
  • I strongly object to the proposed ‘Runway Alteration’ proposal as it will significantly adversely impact the quality of life leading to disrupted sleep and resulting in a likely adverse impact on mental health and well-being
  • I think the question on whether to alternate at 2 or 3 pm is a minor detail, and I really do not understand why that is highlighted in the question. It seems like an intended distraction from the real issues surrounding such a contentious proposal.

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