SEBRA Membership - Join Online
You can now join SEBRA online by following the link below. You’ll be taken to a page where you can choose your membership type, then send us your details and pay your annual subscription. The process will take just a couple of minutes and payment can be made by any credit/debit card. We use PayPal to take payments, but an account is not required.
Join SEBRA OnlineSEBRA Membership – Download a Form
If you’d prefer you can join SEBRA in the conventional way by downloading this application form, completing it and then posting it along with your payment.
Please return the completed form with a cheque or cash (subscription rates shown below) to:
John Zamit
Chairman, SEBRA
2 Claremont Court, Queensway, London W2 5HX
Tel: 020 7727 6104 Mobile: 07459 954245 E-mail:
Alternatively, please contact John personally and he will provide you with an application form.
Annual Membership
Concessionary – £5 (Those aged 65+ and Students)
Standard – £10
Corporate/Residents’ Associations – £25
Donations from members are always welcome and will be gratefully received. There’s a “Donate Now” link at the foot of this page. (You will need a free PayPal account to make a donation).

We encourage those with a connection to “SEBRALAND” to become SEBRA members, whether they are Individuals or Households, People working in the area, or Companies and other Organisations with links to Bayswater. You do not have to live in the area to join.
SEBRA evolves to keep pace with changing times; at the Annual General Meeting held on 19 November 2012, a new Constitution for the Association was adopted. It does not make any great change to the 2000 Constitution which it replaced, and the AGM approved it unanimously.
The Constitution can be downloaded by following this link.
Join SEBRA to learn more about what is going on in and around Bayswater, and to ensure that your voice is heard on local issues.
We cannot be effective if we do not represent enough local people, so your involvement is vital to strengthen our voice and help fund our useful activities.
Please do not hesitate to approach me about anything which concerns you – I am always available to help any SEBRA member.
John Zamit, Chairman
By joining SEBRA you can:
- Learn about issues affecting your area, and influence their outcome.
- Receive our regular magazine SEBRA NEWS W2, reporting news, views and activities;
- Receive invitations to our events, including our Summer Garden Party, and our AGM in the autumn;
- Meet your local MP’s, Westminster Councillors, senior Council staff and Contractors, and Police and other Service Providers.
Donate to SEBRA
SEBRA is a not-for-profit organisation and voluntary donations form an important part of our income. By donating to SEBRA you’ll be helping us to continue to improve Bayswater, benefiting everyone who lives or works in the area, as well as those visiting our part of London.
(You will need a free PayPal account to make a donation).